Collection of Yearbooks

Kaiser Steel Collection

Photos of Kaiser Steel Plant

Photos of Early Fontana

Our Collections

Our collections contain books, manuscripts, documents, Biographies, photographs, newspaper clippings and The Herald Newspapers that have been collected since the early 1970s, primarily to support research and teaching within the City of Fontana. They cover a broad range of subjects, and are especially rich in materials relating to the history of Fontana and the Inland Empire. For more information on any of our materials please contact us. 

Because there are so many different kinds of materials found in Our Collections--books, papers, photographs, maps, artworks, artifacts, just to name a few--there are many ways to search for and use the source material you need. Some collections have print inventories. When you are ready to begin your research, we encourage you to consult us for assistance with locating materials.

Collections of Specific Histories

Working with the community to preserve local history.

The Herald Newspaper Collection 1924- Current

Fontana Historical Society